Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mother Thresa


            I am much inspired by reading a biographical book about "Mother Thresa ( Missionary of Charity) " written by Sam Wellman. I have learned why we should not abandon the poorest of the poor on the street. They all are also the creations of Almighty God or Human beings like you and me. It is very difficult to serve strangers like her but we can do something for our neighbors and community.She is the best-ever-example of serving people.
              Mother Thresa or Little flower bud called by her mum was just a simple girl like your sisters. Her real name is Gonxha ( Gone's jah) and she was from a very loving Albanian family. Her simply powerful force to over all difficulties is prayer. The second important force is Education, said she. Here is the paragraph, she wrote:
                          " A small child came up to me, pale and mournful. He asked whether I would be
                            coming back to them, because he had heard that I was going to become Mother.
                           He bagan to cry, and through his tears he said, " Oh, don't become Mother! " I
                            held him to me and asked him, "What is the matter? Do not worry. I will be back
                           I will always be your Ma." The little boy broke into smiles and went back into the
                           courtyard, skipping happily.

              This short paragraph showed how people loved her when she succeeded Mother Cennacle as superior of the high school. Nobody wanted to hear the news she moved to another place.
              She was told the following words of Saint Ignatius Loyala by Father Jambrekovich at the school run by Jesuits. { What have I done for Christ? What am I doing for Christ? What will I do for Christ?}... Here I ask a big question. Where is Jesus? In the Heaven or somewhere we can not reach......I simply find the answer....Jesus is in the earth.. He is everywhere...He is everybody....Your father, mother,sisters, brothers, friends, strangers, beggars, poor, enemy, ... The first person you meet in the morning is Jesus..and also the last person you see before sleep is Jesus....
               Mother Thresa simply shows us how to love each other and serve the needy people with what we have in hands.....May God bless her and unknown or known people  like her  serving people on the street, in the hospital and at the houses day and night....... People like you and me who can do like her but we can still do a small thing is we  can still cheer up and support them......

Here are the web sites about her ....

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