Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to become a good college student...

1. Answer the question, “Why am I going to college?”

        Firstly, it is very important to know why you are in the College and what  is your exact future career. Without knowing them, you are like a man traveling  in the jungle without a clear map. Life in College and time in the classroom will be meaningful if you only know your true purpose of attending college.

2. Set clear goals for each class. 

       Different classes have different knowledge and also study-weights so you need to set different goals for each class. You must know which class is more important, especially those  are major courses, so you must pay more attention on them. Some courses are just requirements and very boring so you should pay less attention but do not forget you also need to get high grade for every course.

3. Do homework regularly and submit assignments on time. 

        Doing homework  regularly is a basic step to be a good student. Submitting assignments on time is another important to step to get high score. By doing this two things, you will be surely OK in your final exam.

4.Get an early start to each day. 

         Getting up early is a such good thing to be fresh for the whole day. For sure, to get up early, you need to sleep early at night. It is very good for our physical body and also appearance. After you get up, you should also pray or do some good activities. For instance, I go up to the roof of my dormitory and get fresh air every morning.

5. Have some serious fun! 

        Only studying all the time is not the right thing to do by a college student. The college life is full of fun and exciting. Spend time with friends and do some crazy things. Occasionally, go out and drink but do not get drunk or participate in social activities such charity, Sunday school,...  

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