Sunday, June 19, 2011

Let me breath freely for a minute....

                              Do you want to ask me about my title?..We all can breath freely as we need...Why I made a question....? As a people from Burma....I have not breathed freely since I came to the world...  Freighting of some authorities have been part of life in Myanmar(Burma)...Especially for after -88 generations.....There is no freedom even we all are visually set free...not like slaves...but we are indirectly modern-slaves of a hundred of powerful generals......Millions of people have not known what is Democracy....As a child, I had a question. why many people have to afraid of some people...and why many people have to follow their stupid orders......Why????...I can not find answers for my many questions.....But one day, my questions will be answered by lives of many innocent people soon......we all are waiting to watch blood on the street....and then the sky will be clear again.... At that time, I can breathe freely not only for a minute but also for the rest of my life...but I wish I won't be old by that time....My spirit is with all the people who are fighting for the freedom in Burma......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, this is very sad, I pray that God will be with this country and make a big change. And also to get the freedom for the people and let them live peacefully as the other people in other countries around the world. May God bless this country.